.be - the Belgium Domain

Click Here to Register your .be today!
.BE Domain Names
- .BE - Belgium, to be used for commercial and personal sites
- Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
- Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
- Must have at least 2 characters, not including .BE characters long.
- Can a .be domain name be used in the same way that a .com domain name
is used?
The .be domain is intended for use by the general public, companies or other
organizations and can be used in the same way as a .com domain name can be
- Minimum Term: 1 year
- Maximum Term: 1 year
- must be
renewed 11 days prior to expiration or they will be deleted within the month that the domain name
expires. Renewals submitted after 11 days prior to expiration will not be accepted and no
redemptions will be possible for these domain names when they are deleted.
- Renewals for these domains can be done starting three months before the domain expiration
date. Any renewal attempts prior to that period will not be successful.
Click Here to Register your .be today!
Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
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