.biz - the Business Domain
Click Here to Register your .biz today!

.BIZ Domain Names
- .BIZ can be purchased by any person or company from any country
- Anyone who has ever searched for their top three name choices and ended up with their last resort, can tell you exactly what's in a name: Customers. Money. Results. If you want to generate business, get the right name with .biz. You can check to see if the name you want is available or try the Domain Name Wizard name generator for ideas - and get the name you want.
- .BIZ is Unrestricted-- .BIZ addresses are open to anyone!
- Over 327,000,000 pages of .BIZ content stored in Google. .BIZ names are perfect for search engine submittal.
- global and local appeal
- Get the short name you want, there are 90 million more names available in .BIZ than in .com.
- Keep your current domain, AND use a .BIZ for specific marketing programs or products.
- You can use letters from A to Z and numbers 0 through 9, as well as the hyphen (dash)
- Spaces and special characters are never permitted
- Must have at least 3 characters, but no more than 63, not including .INFO
- Register from 1 to 10 years
- Private Registration Allowed
Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
Click here to see the list of U.S. States and Countries with which we've done business registering domain names!
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