.tw - the Domain for Taiwan

Click Here to Register your .tw today!
.TW Domain Names
Domain Extension |
.tw .com.tw |
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Eligibility Requirements |
- Domains are available for worldwide registrations
- May be registered by businesses, organizations and sole proprietorships from any country.
- Registry maintains the authority to suspend or revoke domain name registrations that conflict with Taiwan’s government rules or principles
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Registration Terms |
- Domains can be registered for terms of 1, 5 and 10 years
- Registration term begins when the domain name becomes active
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Domain Character Rules |
- Three (3) character minimum; 60 character maximum
- Letters "a" to "z", the numbers "0" to "9" and the hyphen "-" can be used
- Following characters are not allowed: ~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = < > { } [ ] | \ / : ; ‘ , . ?
- Hyphen cannot be used in the 1st, 3rd, 4th or last position of the domain name
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Renewal Policy |
- Renewals must be made prior to the domain name's expiration date or it will be
deactivated on that date
- A grace period after the domain name's expiration date is not available
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DNS Requirements |
- Two (2) domain name servers are required
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Associated Services |
- Private Registration service is not available for this domain extension
- Domain Protect service (Registrar Lock) is not available for this domain extension
- Web Forwarding can be added when the domain name becomes active
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Pricing |
- $48.95 for 1 year
- $229.95 for 5 years
- $429.95 for 10 years
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Click Here to Register your .tw today!
Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
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