.us - America's Internet Address
.us - America's Internet Address
The second American revolution has begun! .US is live, and
now's the time to get your choice of domain name!
Click Here to Register your .us today!

What is .US?
What makes .US unique and why do I need
Who can register a .US domain name?
What is the price of a .US domain name?
Now that I have my .US domain name,
how and when can I send and receive email using my new .US address?
What will happen to existing
.US domain names?
What is
.US is Americas Internet Address. It
is the official country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the
United States within the global domain name system (DNS).
What makes
.US unique and why do I need it?
.US is the only means to establish an American address
on the Internet. Soon, all U.S. residents, government entities,
public service organizations, and businesses will be able to
establish an American identity on the Internet with a short
memorable domain name. (e.g., johnsmith.us, publicservice.us,
Market research has shown that .US names will be very
popular with consumers for applications like email, digital
identity, and personal web sites. Government and public interest
organizations will use .US addresses to enable citizen-centric
e-Gov applications and to serve the needs of the American people.
Businesses will use .US domain names to promote themselves
as American companies to inspire consumer confidence and to
encourage consumers to buy American.
can register a .US domain name?
Any U.S. citizen or resident, as well as any business or organization,
including federal, state, and local government with a bona fide
presence in the United States can register a .US domain
One of the following eligibility requirements must be met:
A natural person (i) who is a citizen or permanent
resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions
or territories or (ii) whose primary place of domicile is in
the United States of America or any of its possessions, or
Any entity or organization that is incorporated within one
of the fifty (50) U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or
any of the United States possessions or territories or (ii)
organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state
of the United States of America, the District of Columbia,
or any of its possessions or territories, or
An entity or organization (including federal, state, or local
government of the United States, or a political subdivision
thereof) that has a bona fide presence in the United States.
See Section B.3.1 of the NeuStar proposal to the Department
of Commerce for details concerning what constitutes a bona
fide presence.
What is the price
of a .US domain name?
2 years=$33.95 5 years=$74.95 10 years=$145.95
Now that
I have my .US domain name, how and when can I send and receive
email using my new .US address?
Activate your domain name for web hosting or URL redirection and your email will be live!
will happen to existing .US domain names?
Existing .US registrants (domain name holders) within
the locality space will retain rights to their existing
Internet addresses. In fact, existing domain name holders will
benefit from many of the operational improvements and improved
security and service levels NeuStar will introduce within .US.
Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
Click here to see the list of U.S. States and Countries with which we've done business registering domain names!
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